You are called to the home of a 2-year-old little boy whose parents are concerned because he "isn't acting right". When you arrive, the parents inform you that he has been sick with a fever, diarrhea and vomiting for the past 48 hours. The child is lying on the couch.
about 3–5 minutes
Question 1 of 7
An important question to ask the Mom or Dad would be
Question 2 of 7
Important things to evaluate during your assessment include
Question 3 of 7
You have difficulty waking him up. His skin color is very pale. You feel no radial pulses. Capillary refill is 6–7 seconds. He is breathing 42/min and his heart rate is 178. Pulse oximetry is 99%. You do not see any readily available veins for IV access. The best way to quickly achieve IV access in this patient is
Question 4 of 7
The most important treatment for this patient is
Question 5 of 7
Which fluid would be used to resuscitate this patient?
Question 6 of 7
How much fluid would you initially administer to this child?
Question 7 of 7
This child is most likely suffering from
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