BLS CPR algorithm: Basic life support cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Last updated: March 15, 2022

Version control: Our ACLS, PALS & BLS courses follow 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC. American Heart Association guidelines are updated every five years. If you are reading this page after December 2025, please contact for an update. Version 2021.01.c

High quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation

HIGH quality CPR is important in the provision of basic life support to an unresponsive victim without a pulse. High quality CPR possesses the following important characteristics:

  1. Compressions should begin within ten seconds of determination of cardiac arrest.
  2. The rate of compression should be 100–120 per minute.
  3. The depth of compression should be 2”- 2.4” for adults, approximately 2” for children from age one to adolescence, and 1 ½” (4 cm) for infants. The depth of compression should be 1/3 the anteriorposterior(AP) chest diameter for children and infants.
  4. There should be complete recoil of the chest after each compression.
  5. Interruptions in chest compression should be minimized. When giving shocks, the interval between the last compression and the shock should be kept to less than 10 seconds, as should the interval between the shock and following compression.
  6. Chest compressions should be initiated prior to rescue breathing. CPR should be initiated with 30 compressions, followed by 2 breaths.
  7. When giving breaths, effectiveness can be ascertained by watching the rise of the chest.
  8. All excessive ventilation should be avoided; excessive ventilation may result in aspiration, vomitus or pneumonia.

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Written by , providing nurse training at Yale New Haven Health-Bridgeport Hospital since 2022. Previously in healthcare and education at Griffin Hospital, St. Vincent's College of Nursing and Sacred Heart University Medical Center.

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