
By using our website—either choosing to read one or more pages on the site or purchasing product(s) from the site—you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of use.

  1. All content on the site is general information and subject to change without notice.
  2. No warranty or guarantee of any coverage or kind is offered for information on this website. Information on the site may include errors or inaccuracies and we expressly exclude liability for them to the maximum legal degree.
  3. Information on this website is to be used at your own risk. It is your responsibility to determine the accuracy of the information and its relevance to your particular situation or circumstances.
  4. Links on this website to any external websites should not be considered an endorsement of any external sites.
  5. Any dispute arising from the use of this site or products sold through this site is subject to Pennsylvania law in the United States.
  6. Enrolling in a course grants you access to the training content for one year from the date of enrollment. After one year, access to the course will expire. If you need extended access, please contact us at .
  7. Access to course content may be revoked if licensing terms are violated, in the case of a refund, or if we no longer hold the rights to the course materials.