Cardiac arrest with AED out of hospital | ACLS pretest
You are walking through a big box store when an employee comes running down the aisle yelling for help. He says "The guy I was working with just fell out of the cherry picker!" You run with him back to the man who is laying at the bottom of a mechanical lift that is extended approximately 15 feed in the air. His left leg is bent at a strange angle. He is not moving and does not respond to his friend calling his name.
about 3–5 minutes
Question 1 of 5
As a healthcare provider your initial, simultaneous assessment should include:
Question 2 of 5
You determine that the patient is not breathing and does not have a pulse. You learn from his co-worker that he recently was in the hospital for "something with his heart." Your next step is to:
Question 3 of 5
Compressions should be done by pushing fast and hard. What is the rate of compressions for this patient?
Question 4 of 5
Following 30 compressions, what should you do next?
Question 5 of 5
The friend arrives with the store's AED. He does not know how to use it, but does know CPR. You should:
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