Bradycardia — EMS

The quiz
You are called to the home of a 81-year-old male who is complaining of dizziness and weakness of the past several hours. He appears ill, with pale diaphoretic skin. He attempts to stand when you arrive and experiences a near syncopal episode. You cannot feel a radial pulse, but his carotid is strong and slow at a rate of approximately 30/min. You are having trouble hearing a blood pressure. You place him on the monitor and see the following rhythm.

about 3–5 minutes

Question 1 of 4

This rhythm is called:
Quiz question

Question 2 of 4

As your partner prepares to start an IV, you can intervene in this rhythm with:

Question 3 of 4

Once an IV is established, what is the first line medication to increase the heart rate in this patient?

Question 4 of 4

The pacemaker is capturing appropriately and your patient's BP immediately increases to 126/74. He is no longer diaphoretic or dizzy. You may want to;

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The quiz

Correct answers

  • Sinus bradycardia with a first degree AV Block.
  • Transcutaneous pacing.
  • Atropine 0.5mg IV
  • Sedate the patient because of the pain and anxiety caused by transcutaneous pacing.

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