Funny ICD codes
ICD-10 for emergency physicians
Click the flashcards below to view the ICD codes!
Failure of family planning
Z37.54: Sextuplets, all liveborn
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles attack!
W59.21XA:Bitten by turtle, initial encounter
Mom says you're adopted.
Z62.891: Sibling rivalry
Brace yourself. The in-laws are coming.
Z63.1: Problems in relationship with in-laws
Don't try this at home!
V9107xD: Burn due to water-skis on fire, subsequent encounter
"The meal is over when I hate myself" -Louis C.K.
T505x6A: Underdosing of appetite depressants, initial encounter
When Superman pedals into traffic.
V616xxD: Passenger in heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with pedal cycle in traffic accident, subsequent encounter
Santa never got me what I wanted anyway.
V9733xD: Sucked into jet engine, subsequent encounter
Death by honey
T63442S: Toxic effect of venom of bees, intentional self-harm, sequela
Polly want a finger?
W61.01: Bitten by parrot
"I can't put my arms down!"
Z621: Parental overprotection
Death from above
V95.40: Unspecified spacecraft accident injuring occupant, subsequent encounter
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful
R46.1: Bizarre Personal Appearance
You so nasty
R46: Very low level of personal hygeine
Attack by killer whale
W56.22: Struck by Orca
Who threw a shoe?
V91.35: Struck by Falling Object due to Canoe or Kayak Accident
Smoke on the water
V91.05XD: Burn due to canoe or kayak on fire, subsequent encounter
That canoe came out of nowhere officer.
V91.15XA: Crushed between canoe or kayak and other watercraft or other object due to collision, initial encounter
Got stuck in space traffic
X52.XXXA: Prolonged Stay in Weightless Environment
Waterballoon fight
V96.00XA: Unspecified balloon accident injuring occupant, initial encounter